Lokai authenticity: how to tell if a Lokai is real or fake

I have to admit I'm a bit of a Lokai enthusiast. I love that there is a deeper meaning behind each bracelet, and that a portion of proceeds from charity bracelets gets donated. Plus, I do like that they're just so squishy. :) I've recently spent a bit of time looking through Poshmark and Mercari's Lokai listings, only to find that the mass majority of them are fake. Some sellers are adamant that their bracelets are authentic when they know that the exact opposite is true (the things people will do to make a quick buck.. sigh), while others just don't know how to tell whether or not the bracelet they're selling is real or not. Therefore, I thought it'd be helpful to offer some pointers on how to tell whether or not a Lokai bracelet is real or fake. First off, I'm going to completely disregard the tags. I've seen many fake bracelets that had tags that were spot on. Tags are so easily copied in their fonts and design, so I don't believe ...